A Different Kind of Proposal Automation Software
Seeing is Believing!
Named "Top Productivity Enabler" for 2020 by Lumen/CenturyLink
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What People are "Saying"...

Two NEW "Compliance Support" Features
The ONLY Software Application on the market that can check for possible "Non-Compliance" issues before Authors write a "Single Word".
The [Compliance Support] report shown below is Automatically generated when the PM creates a Cross-Referenced Compliance Matrix.
This is just one of "Several" Compliance Support Reports created by our Software.
And...After the Proposal is Written...Another of our "Compliance Support" Tools checks to see if you "Answered the Mail"...
Simply Type or Copy & Paste “Key Terms and/or Phrases” into the "Compliance Support Tool" user form below to Create a Report for the “Current” Proposal Volumes that identifies places where your Authors “Answered the Mail”, or more Importantly, if a particular Requirement, or Multiple Requirements may have been “Missed.” See "sample" report screenshot below.
(BONUS) Secondary Use of this Tool:
Users can also "Search" for Content in previous Proposals, so that the Authors can use that Content as a “Starting Point” in their Current Proposal.

Readability Statistics Functionality

Proposal Manager's Outline
Our Software Creates 2 Outlines...The first, a “High Level” Proposal Manager’s Outline/Tracker, which allows the PM to "Track" the Progress during Daily Stand-Up Meetings. (shown above) and a second one, that can be used for Building an Annotated-Outlined Master Author's Document for those Proposals that have ALL of the "Written" Requirements in a Single Document, like a PWS or SOW).
Cross-Referenced Compliance Matrix

Our Software Creates 2 Types of Compliance Matrices...An Individual Compliance Matrix/Tracker (shown on the Left above) and a Cross-Referenced Compliance Matrix (shown on the Right above). Our Individual Compliance Matrix/Tracker allows the Proposal Manager (PM) to Build a Compliance Matrix/Tracker for Requirements from the Individual RFP Sections and allows the PM to "Track" the Progress during Daily Stand-Up Meetings. Our “Cross-Referenced” Compliance Matrix (Tabloid-Sized) shows all Data from all the Requirement Sections (Sections L, M and C) Completely Cross-Referenced.
Annotated-Outlined Master Author's Document

Desktop Publishers & Authors Automation
With "One-Click" of a Button, our Cross-Referenced Compliance Matrix can be converted into a Completely Formatted “Annotated-Outlined Master Author's Document" with Relevant Section L, M, & C RFP Text in the Sections to which they belong.

Creates an ‘Acronym List’ with ‘Definitions’ from the Current Document. This feature utilizes an “Ever-Growing” Back-up Dictionary, "AIDED", that will give Suggestions for the Definitions if the Author did not include one in the Document. It also points out “1st Occurrence” Issues and Acronyms with Multiple Definitions. We also have an "AcroHover" Feature that allows the User to "Double-Click" any Acronym in the Document and have the "Definition" of that Acronym "Pop-up" as a Screen tip. If no Screen tip shows, this indicates that the Acronym was “NOT” Defined anywhere in the Document.

Acronym List Generator
We have added some exciting new Editing Features to our Automation Toolkits. Some of the things that the Editor can do using our Toolkits include:
Author’s Conventions Document Analyzer: The aim of this feature is to help you to assess a Word document by counting the number of times the Author uses various spelling, punctuation and formatting conventions.
Finding Clichés, Wordy or Redundant Phrases
Finding Commonly Confused Words. The Code will Highlight words like… (accept vs. except), (adverse vs. averse), (advice vs. advise), (affect vs. effect) etc. for proper usage.
Finding Needless Words & Empty Phrases. The Code will Highlight words like… (“a majority of” and offer a replacement word like “most”), or (“on account of” and offer a replacement word like “because”), or (“are of the same opinion” and offer a replacement word like “agree”) and a host of other “Empty Phrases” and their Alternatives.
Create an ‘Acronym List’ with ‘Definitions’. This feature utilizes an “Ever-Growing” Back-up Dictionary, "AIDED", that will give Suggestions for the Definitions if the Author did not include a Definition anywhere in the Document. It also points out “1st Occurrence” Issues and Acronyms with "Multiple Definitions". We also have a Feature for the User that allows them to "Double-Click" any Acronym in the Document, and have the "Definition" of that Acronym "Pop-up" as a Screen-tip.
…and a Host of other Time-saving Editing Features

Automation for the Editors
Automation in the Color Review Area, provides the Reviewers with tools that will produce much more “Effective” Pink, Red and Gold Team Reviews. Whether you are conducting an internal rolling review of specific portions of your proposal or a full review of your proposal by an entire Review Team, our Automated Color Review Tools will speed up the process and make it easier for your Review Team to complete their tasks and relay their comments and suggestions on making your proposal a better and more compelling document.

Color Review Automation
With "One-Click" of a Button, our Format Document feature Searches the Entire Document and attempts to Format all Paragraphs, Tables, Bullets and Numbered Headings, and even Resumes, based on Paragraph Markers in the Document. This functionality is one of our “Biggest” Time Savers. For Example, a Desktop Publisher or Author can Format an Entire Volume in a matter of a minute or two, up to 70-80% complete.

Automatically Formatting Documents
We have developed a set of unique, time-saving Toolkits and VBA code that “Automates” the Formatting of the Proposal. Our DTP Tools can be used by anyone on your proposal team...Desktop Publishers, Authors, Editors or Coordinators, increasing overall Productivity by upwards of 30-50%. Our DTP Toolkits produce a Consistent Document, while increasing the Overall Productivity of the End User.

Our Proprietary Software
Will save your Company, small or LARGE, 3 to 5 days on a 30-day-turn Proposal or it’s FREE!
Are you interested in setting up a Free Webinar for you and your Company to learn more about our Automation Software?
Would you like to Tryout our Software FREE! for 15 Days?
Get in touch with us today.
(301) 674-0669